The best way to relax and chill out is to ventilate yourself from which ever possible vents one can by…
Learn from the stress you are under Look for opportunities in the stressful situation Seek out the positive – make…
The most common question that is seen by doctors, psychologists, clinics, help lines and other social circles is that I…
Are you a perfectionist? Do you feel a constant dominating pressure to achieve?
4. Learn to moderate your physical reaction to stress – Slow, deep breathing will do wonders by regulating your heart…
Identifying the unrelieved stress and being aware of the effect that it will have on our bodies and ultimately lives…
– It can seriously reduce the enjoyment at work – Where a person needs finer physical skills it can seriously…
STRESS SYMPTOMS In to three categories symptomisation of stress can be done or symptoms of stress can manifest in three…
There are several major sources of stress:
But today, there are few animals to contend with, unless you happen to work in a zoo or live out…
STRESS….ACTUALLY WHAT IS STRESS? THE WORD STRESS ITSELF STRESSES ONE DOWN The stress word in itself is such an inescapable…
16. Try to look and perceive the world as we would allow ourselves to look at a child without being…
11. As it has been rightly said that haste makes waste but this applies also as per the situations depending…
20 Golden Tips to conquer your happiness and secure it for your whole life:
If we accept, channelize, listen carefully and handle emotions properly they could be the tools for our own purpose only…
To continue with the turning point of channeling your emotions neither hand offs works for a long period of time,…
Perhaps out of the many one of the most common terminology that comes in to play is emotions positive/negative, categorized,…
Considered as one of the worst destructive emotion if done on unnecessary logic as everyone gets angry but the reason…
JUST AS WE ALWAYS TALK AND STRESS about positive emotions, but practically its always not possible all the time to…