How can I manage stress better?

Identifying the unrelieved stress and being aware of the effect that it will have on our bodies and ultimately lives is not enough, as there are many sources of stress similarly there are many different ways to manage that stress as well, however all it requires is hard work towards that stress factor require to work towards that change, changing or altering the source of the stress and changing your reaction towards it.


1. Beware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reaction towards it – Notice and observe your distress, determine what events distress you, how do you interpret or what are you telling yourself about these events? Determine how your body is responding to that stress. Do you become nervous or physically upset? If so find out in what particular and specific ways.

2. Recognize what you can change – Can you change your stressors or eliminate them completely? Are you strong enough to reduce its intensity (manage them over a period of time instead of working on it on a daily or weekly basis) can you shorten your exposure to stress factor, if so then take a break or leave the physical premises. Can you devote and use the time and energy required to make a change? (Goal setting time management, techniques and delayed gratification technique or strategies may be helpful here)

3. Reduce the intensity of your emotional reaction to stress – The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger, may it be physical or emotional danger, are you viewing your stressors in a real exaggerated form or dimension that will dominate your own being and the positivity and taking a difficult situation and converting it in to a disaster which may not be so noticeable in the long run but that can ruin your life momentarily if given an enlarged importance level, are you expecting to please everyone at the same time? Are you reacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent? Do you feel you must prevail in every situation? Work at adopting more moderate views, try to see the stressor as something meek and weak you can cope and defeat not like something that will overpower you. Try to temper your excess emotions, put the situation in perspective, do not just, do not labour on the negative aspects and in the ‘what if’ imagination.

Read Part 2 Here

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