What does a celebration of a life time mean to you?
Is it confined to the few fringes of your known person, oh well how do you define that you know someone just the nomenclature part or the facial, physical makeup, why can’t we define the definition of known people to little further by acknowledging the fact ‘One Globe One Unit One Family’, we all are one little, minute differences in your nose or my eye, or the height or say the weight or the complexion part but, basically & morphologically we all are one leaving way behind all the demarcations of caste, creed or religion basically we are all one…

Then why can’t we extend our hands to unknown the extent of adrenaline flow is much more when we extend our hand to someone we have met for the first time as the challenge of getting excepted is much blur over there, so the challenge is high to our expectation as to what if the other entity doesn’t respond to our welcoming smile in the way we want to but even if they doesn’t, then too what difference does that make in the whole world that’s that individuals perception but at least we tried and did not even thought of giving a frosty nosed stare, why can’t we smile or spark a conversation with as many people as we want to in wherever place you are given a chance, why can’t we jump that threshold of getting rejected & then loathe our happy spirit with that bitter feeling of rejection, on the contrary if we mix with many different people in any public place or joints we come to know & explore ourselves much more, know our boundaries & also get to sneak in & peek in to the other persons perception…
to be continued…