Why can’t we share our eatables with others, our hilarious smile being the dessert, every person is very lonely and fear to broaden their chest to give a cuddle or a hug, everyone has something to share, some sad some happy moments, major failures minor success in their life, everybody has a story to tell you without being edited, no one is just picture perfect or nobody is Mr right everyone has some pitfalls in their lives a story to tell, an biopic to be made they being their own producers, directors and of course the quaint essential actors themselves…

Then why hide lets confess in the open bright light & say without any fear yes I have done it there might be some reason for any action done at that given period of time, why feel shame about it you have to convince yourself first for the action, don’t have to try too hard what others will think about you for that action that you wish to do if you are convinced go ahead, why can’t we start a conversation while moving in some public transportation, why can’t we share a cup of tea with the vendor you have just visited on a moving train why do we have to search for his DNA pattern or his family’s whereabouts, isn’t that enough that we have met this human being today in this journey may be we will never ever again in our life time then what’s stopping you, why that hindrance come out of your cocoon made out of ego of me, my, mine, why can’t we sit in a road side joint & start a conversation with the people dinning next to you while interacting with them we come to know so many things & everyday you become knowledgeable beyond limit, but yes not armoured by those orthodox bookish knowledge but yes by the knowledge gained from the book called life itself…
to be continued…