Thus signifying the fact ‘old is gold’, yet it’s your birthday bash you light as many candles as you wish to, always thinking the fact that you are just a toddler one year old ready to take the sunshine/rain, in recent times the sports world is the living example how experienced people are taking over the world… as far as wear & tear is concerned it is & it can happen to anyone even to a kid or an older person but nowadays a comparative study has shown the so called quote unquote younger generation is lacking that flexibility, agility, vitality & vigour what they are supposed to posses naturally it may be due to their tired weird out genes, lifestyle which is nothing more than a slug, eating habits & much many more to add on to, on the other hand senior flock of men & women are much hardy, smart& strong, healthy ready to turn over anything, that may be the resultant of the life style that they have lived in the previous years & continue to do so…

Whatever may be the reason I personally feel every sunrise is a new day announcing your birthday with every sunset the hope of next day arises, till it culminates into a mesmerizing sunset just watch a sunset the different shades of reddish, pinkish orange just can transmit you into a different world, just nothing or no one can buy or stop it, then why worrying unnecessarily about the age part enjoy the other lavish things in life, that life has to offer you without any selfish condition go grab those precious moments & live life forever celebrating your birthday everyday, wishing to be a very novice persona everyday no matter what, always muttering don’t be sad but go mad, as you are just a one year kid feeling the same as well what toddler thinks & feels when gifted with a chocolate, brighten your eyes with the glitterati of life… go ahead grab life with your arms wide open hugging it like a toddler would hug his/her teddy bear…