Have you ever laid yourself down on the chest of a bare rock feel the comfort on its chest way better than those mattresses at home…

Last time drenched yourself in the heavy downpour or kicked football in those muddy puddles… or when was it when you really tried hard to climb a tree and perched on the top most branch of a tree… to take an aerial view but not from any man made skyscraper but from the altitude made by nature…

When have you climbed a mountain or a hill or even may be a tiny mound close to your vicinity not just any magnanimous Everest or alps but any hill try to run and climb it defeating the force of gravity and take that winning sigh on top and feeling your heart talking to you in strong panting breaths… When so many countless abundant things are in store for you to experience and conquer then why not enjoy these triumphing feelings which will also impart a fresh new impetus to live your life then go and enjoy the abundance that nature beholds for you… and breathe free and feel yourself get assimilated with nature…