To be happy in your life and to make or sustain that happiness for a longer period of time or say for your whole life one need to find and maintain those eureka moments of your life as everyone has their his/her eureka moments, we just need to explore ourselves and discover those eureka moments hidden in you or in your life which you need to discover and cherish it for your whole life to keep yourself happy and contended or you have to create such eureka moments in your life which will give you a high and maintain it all through your life…

Everyone wants or try to be happy in their day to day life but the question arises is how and the best way is to discover those moments in yourself only and nurture them for the real benefit of you, yourself… actually to be happy you need to constantly discover and rediscover the eureka moments…
In Greek the meaning of the word eureka means ’I got it’… it’s up to us what are you striving for or what are your desires and necessities which will decide the extent of your happiness by attaining your goals or how you achieve those desires or even are they attainable or not even… it’s advisable to search for those eureka moments in small things of life, approach and see everything with a positive attitude, and try to take every bit with great enthusiasm and zeal…
to be continued…