Have you left the soft gentle texture of the leaves and the flowers lately, the infinite colours the fragrance of the flowers, the impregnable touch of the macho bark of a tree, the velvety texture of the chlorophyll present in the leaves and who better to teach us to be healthy and happy amidst of the thorns as well no one else but the flowers, feel the immense positivity and stay happy mood, flowers imparts and the selfless love that they share is beyond measure just smooch them and feel the difference it will add a fresh new valour to your life and the way you think about life… hug a tree everyday or as many as you want those stalwarts are unlike great supporting pillars to adhere unto and yes they do reply…

Have you ever planted a seed and watch that seed germinate in to a brand new plant with those cotyledons adhering to its head and that small seedling all set to break all barriers just to feel and get touched by the sunshine, to start its quint essential process of making its own starch through the process of photosynthesis….. touch those fresh new unfurling leaves feel the silk like texture along with the luster.
to be continued…