When was the last time you glistened yourself in the yellow sunshine the skin and hair getting wrapped up in the whole yellow cover of that crimson yellow light…
That yellow heartwarming compress of the bright sunlight basking you from head to toe, the happiness and freshness that it imparts is beyond words the positivity, the impetus, the vitality it provides is incomparable just get baked in the sunshine… and feel the life back in you…

Oh well if you remember honestly when was the last time you felt your breath along with it the thumping and pumping of that bundle of strong cardiac muscle namely the heart, feel it then the empowerment of each single moment gets more charged up and energized leaving behind the futile and fugitive things that people get engaged in to, neglecting the most precious gasp of air we are concerned about the whole world and ready to turn it over but what if we get toppled… feel and enjoy the every breath that you take and stop taking it for granted…
The last time you walked bare footed on soft velvety green carpet of nature the grass or when have you last smudged your hands in soil and jumped out in frenzy in a puddle of mud, smelled that pungent odour of the wet soil, that’s the soul of everyone of us and not to forget that’s the ultimate destination as well for everyone of us, ultimately soil is the most priceless of all but least valuable on the other hand as well but get yourself smudged in soil like a 2 year old toddler let the child in you rejoice every moment and chirp out like sunbird…
to be continued…