Do you remember? Even if it is vivid that when was the last time you gazed at the night sky stark illuminated by infinite uncut diamonds the stars and that full beaming milky moon or the crescent shaped one or resembling your own nail bed, lying aghast under the night sky in your open terrace or in the lap of a huge dark jet black jungle… feeling the smooth breeze touching and caressing your skin, the moon light embracing your inner beauty… camouflaging all your flaws, the whispering and murmuring of night birds and other rodents, gazing at the sky and suddenly watch an airplane at an high altitude taking you back again to man-made materialistic world… but the precious part go feel the moon and the stars feel the breeze touching you solely… lying face on face with the night sky talking and smiling with the magnanimous sky feeling how tiny we are in front of them…

When was the last time you swam across a river or a pond or a huge sea/ocean but God forbid, not the unfit swimming pool go feel the upstream and the downstream in a wading river feel your arms, body, limbs moving hither and thither and how you make you streamline through the water and also in order to save yourself…. just move ahead and feel the currents of the water, the water droplets your wrinkled finger tips, feel the ripples and especially when it’s raining hard and you swimming in the midst of a river…
to be continued…