The ghats even appeared as a huge ramp walk of different models and not to mention the priest and the pundits along with the old age people as GC lovingly call and all of them ma and baba’s or parents basking the sun and waiting for someone to share their tiny bit of prosperity with them, the boats eagerly waiting for their turn of voyage to earn few currency notes and needless to mention the stray animals but no matter what one thing is for sure that it gives an perspective to see the reality of life more closely and teach to relish every moment of one’s own life happily where contentment is mere ingredient, to see one truth and but that is the ultimate conclusion where do we stand when we say this is mine and that is yours why can’t we say this is ours.

Amidst of the scorching sun GC’s people performed a great job and just within no time cleaned, there were even people who asked inquisitively about our work performance and we announced it in a proud aura thus even propagating our motto, GC even observed the different activities of many different people and absorbed the simplicity which is quite very hard to achieve it takes patience and endeavour as well, there are few many snap shots of those precious moments that GC is happily sharing with the whole world and urging people to take a few steps and do something selflessly and achieve that soulful peace and come out of your own comfort zone and watch this world in its naked nudity and accept people as they are not unmasking them that’s life…
to be continued…
Read Part 1 Here
Read Part 2 Here
Read Part 3 Here
Read Part 4 Here
Read Part 5 Here
Read Part 6 Here