Life’s – A Celebration! [Part-3]

Thus life or rather the saga of life is a vibgyor of shades starting from dim grey’s to vibrant hues of red and orange shades but when these shades mix to give a whitish hue, what if today we are little unhappy or not up to our dreams, what we expect surely one day we will be on the seventh heaven of life and prosperity the basic thing nothing to be sorrow off but rather enjoy whatever it is thinking somebody else’s pain would be more than mine and there’s no one in this globe who doesn’t have a baggage of mixed pickles i.e. happiness and sorrows what is there to kneel down before your negative stuff have to face it more flamboyantly and even cherish those moments as well because life is a huge carnival and we have to ride all the swings and either enjoy those rides or be scared of them, ofcourse we can learn huge lessons from the short comings of life even and then taste the sip of success by defeating those not so good pitfalls and be pround of your own chivillary that you won over those grey moments of life then only we also cherish the importance of success over the negative vibes.

GC (Glucose Club) and its team visited the local malls and shopping marts and even the rustic of rustic village markets to explore and find out the exact enchantment of joy and happiness and literally found out that everyone is happy in their own definition but happy, which is most important no matter the financial status or anything else GC gathered the definition of happiness is defined in a different way by each and everyone and nothing can buy it even it has to be felt from deep within, the affordability factor doesn’t deter anyone from its happiness if one can’t buy sweet meat from a very high profile shop then also we can sweeten our taste buds with some road side sweets brought from a road side vendor, everything just every bit was in such major display. The most crucial part that GC has gathered is the fact that where resources are a bit limited the feeling of celebration is much deep seeded there and the feeling of devotion and dedication…

to be continued…

Read Part 1 Here

Read Part 2 Here

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