There is nothing in this whole world which can defy the strength of nature may it be in any form like Iron, longest & strongest grass – Bamboo or the ultimate Soil.

In Paush Mela, there were different reflections of all these natural things and how they can be used in day to day life no matter how rich or poor you are but without nature survival is next to impossible. Pottery is one such art which is age-old but still has its mark in our lives, different utensils pots of different shapes and sizes are very popular among the natives, the bamboo baskets of different measurements, hunting weapons for example bows & arrows, spears etc. The raw Iron articles were also in abundance. Now the question is where are we? Why can’t the world of technology manufacture these? Can any gadget produce any strong and long grass as Bamboo? People seem to be so suffice in themselves enjoying every bit which money can’t buy, the easy availability of their daily articles, pocket friendly food items, and above all the unconquerable happiness although cycles being their prized possession, wish everybody had their heart throbbing with happiness.