Mental Techniques Of Relaxation

What’s autogenic technique of relaxation it is when your body self generates the suggestion given by mind to relax and stay cool and calm? Quick and portable technique toping point certain body parts to be relaxed like shoulders, jaws or neck muscles or any part of the body when stress takes over its just a few minutes relaxation technique on concentrated relaxation here’s the script of autogenic and how it works.

Make yourself seated in a comfortable chair in a relaxed position taking deep breaths and pin pointing the concentrated areas of your body you will find the stressed out area by tensed muscles due to low blood flow resulting in tight stressed out muscles restricted blood flow or contractions now through one’s own mind these places should be seen as opening up and relaxing more distressing you out, opening up more and calming.

Repeat in your mind or if someone wants even loudly or command yourself until the desired result is obtained or acquired and then continue to the next one my arms and legs are heavy, my head or fore head depending on the problem area is cool and calm, my breathing is regular cool and calm, my limbs are relaxed now etc.

One has to concentrate on the golden principle of mind over body and use this power as a healing technique but to cure yourself up and keep a synchronized balance between your body and mind along with soul to have that entire holistic fulfilled feeling. It might just take few too many depending on your concentration levels and rigidity and composure but it will surely have a long lasting effect a foolproof method to calm yourself up, as you achieve this correct state of relaxation technique one must preserve this by regular practice as it can be practiced anywhere anytime one can do nit when and where ever required and it will leave you feeling calm and comfortable and of course capable too.

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