Corona ”KaroNaa”

Corona virus or COVID-19 is now a large pandemic. For which there is also a lock down & we all are so frightened about it… We are also doing so many things to stay safe & are at home. But if we think for a moment it is such a small, minuscule & a unicellular organism but we are so petrified, we humans are much larger than the COVID-19 & multicellular but we are kneeling before it…

Isn’t it ridiculous.. Many years ago people did not had so many diseases because of their immunity but now people spend most of their time in their phones & laptops this is why is the immunity of people is getting weak and that is why such a small & minuscule organism is attacking upon people who have less immunity.

We need to spend more of our time in doing hard work. Don’t sit at home with a smartphone in your hand rather do some workout inside your home or in your terrace to increase your immunity not just for corona but for also other deadly viruses. Saving ‘mother nature’ is also a big criteria… without ‘mother nature’ we cannot live or survive.

But we are not thinking of ‘mother nature’ for just a single moment… We need to save ‘mother nature’ & plants, trees… its an emergency but we are not doing that… If we don’t save mother nature there are even deadly viruses are coming after corona & all the man kind will be destroyed which makes me petrified… Other wise we all are making a slow recipe for our death its high time to save ‘mother nature’…

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