The Green Way…! [Part-6]

Then the fathomless sky blue as anything then if the clouds are dancing on its chest, the orange crimson sun playing hide and seek in between the clouds, the clouds forming different patterns you let your imagination take over you can visualize that just who can sketch those immaculate paintings dunno down below the magnitude of earth taking over the gravitational pull pooling you with all its might hither and thither scattered red yellow white oo white pebbles who has sprinkled or scattered this. All this makes you feel so holistic and complete there is no word which can explain this feeling of completeness then the ultimate feeling of getting assimilated in the same nature when our physical existence no more exists but we will still be there that’s the holistic approach…

Thus instead of going to any gym or in some walled room one must prefer open air workout as the benefits are so many folds and of course there are many muscle workout with huge logs, huge rocks and plenty of such workable things are present in nature itself as the ancient people used to be in symphony with nature but what chiseled healthy bodies they possessed its better to be in those workable disciplined life style, thus trees are there to settle you and your mind free…

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