The Green Way…! [Part-4]

The impact of treeless earth would be on everybody, lots and lots of money and other materialistic stuff but no fresh air or water to breathe or to drink. Rains and flash floods will take over the barren lands, the completion of rain cycle will also in interrogation mark, the weather conditions are now only dwindling on like anything, sometimes overtly hot or rain in offseason or unwanted flash floods or somewhere no asset is precious than few drops of rainwater but whatever it is I beg to all the readers of this article or the globe trotters must chop off some time from their electronic gadgets and spend time with nature – talking to it, smiling with it, feeling it, breathing its breath, feeling the heartthrob, it will not take very long to understand its humble murmurs and then dance according to its tune that’s why I suggested taking long walks amidst the woods or even if you run or jog do it in some lush green parks where trees are in plenty or in some reserved forest or in any place where you can find wilderness far away at least for few moments from materialistic world just you and nature.

Feeling the butterflies, the birds chirping in the sweetest of tunes, your ears have ever heard off touching the soft velvety texture of the fresh new leaves, the buds hugging the rough masculine trunk, rub your palms against his hard chest the bark it will render you with superb acupressure.

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