The Green Way…! [Part-3]

I mean like if one thinks coolly then from childhood pencils, crayons a whole bulk of household articles, the train compartments, old ancient Chinese’s bridges, the houses in European countries, the firewood to keep us warm then that day to my surprise, the cake makers also support their huge cakes with wooden shafts, the ladles, there are many wooden intricate toys that are produced in southern hemisphere of India, the infinite use of medicinal plants, all plants and trees have got some medicinal values, there are trees like bamboo and coconut whose whole from tip to root is used in one way or the other, from eating purposes to thatched roofs, the barks act as fashionable attire.

Just one tries to see if we can entirely rely on plants? Yes we can undoubtedly then the utmost crucial thing is the oxygen which is emitted out during the process of photosynthesis, during transpiration the moisture-laden air aids in rains it also protects the depleting ozone layer, then the food chain is also not untouched all the primary herbivores depend on plants, the carnivores eat them including us and so on and so forth thus maintaining the balance in food chain and resulting in proper equilibrium in the ecosystem.

All the flora and fauna depend on each other in a very symbiotic way but the magic is the humongous elephants, the rhinos, the hippos all are but herbivores including the humongous Dinosaur then where are we… we, Human Beings can also very well survive and thrive on plants as for us being carnivores a research has shown how much of forests as in Amazon rain forest or different vegetation has being chopped to retain flat lands for cultivation of fodder to be fed to these cattle to support beef and pork on our platters thus also increasing directly or indirectly increasing the carbon footprint by increasing the emission of methane which also has its own hazardous effects.

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