If one happen to gaze at the night sky, one might find millions and trillions of tiny diamonds called ‘stars’ dazzling in the night sky, but out of the infinite number of stars, one happens to be a ‘polar star’ whose main purpose of its existence is to guide others path, no matter what… as a ‘soul’ in need is undoubtedly a ‘divine soul’…

Similarly out of the humongous crowd, known or unknown faces that we come across in our life time, there are few people who leave an unforgettable trace on our lives, touch our hearts, murmur a few soothing words to console our soul… such is the unforgettable entity of Mr. Veer Bahadur Singh Rajput, who has touched many a lives through his unforgettable, incorrigible, deeds the selfless efforts to humanity, leaving no stone unturned to lend helping hands to the needy, never bothering about his own comfort, he dedicates his life for the well being of other humans just believing in one definition of life as ‘Glucose Club’ preaches but ‘practices first’, the belief of ‘one globe one family’ and ‘a holistic approach towards life’, no matter what, Mr. Rajput sweats head to toe, to stand by this belief, word by word, it may range from varied ‘social work’ to ‘financial support’ or ‘medical aid’ to ‘blood donations’ or to provide ‘food and clothing’ to the much needed people thus reflecting the face of ‘god’ as he is ‘god’ in disguise, how many of us can dare to take things into ‘different level’ thus sacrificing your own for the rejuvenation of others life…

Out of the many passions that he pursues for the well being of mankind a very typical passion of Mr. Rajput is ‘Walking the Himalayas’ all by himself, no sponsors, no media, no BBC broadcasters to hype the matter just he by himself for him… the journey he took commenced on ‘6th December 2016’ from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh to Rishikesh, and from Joshimath to Saldhar ashram Bhavishyabadri, there he stayed for 5 months concentrating on yoga, meditation, and rejuvenating his body mind and soul, thus empowering his inner will and strength to pursue the remaining lag of the journey which would be quite tough, then on ‘4th June 2017’ within a matter of four days of pain staking path from Badrinath to Urvashi and Neelkanth mountain, a steep treacherous freezing path where the freezing temperature ranging from – 14 to – 23 degrees Celsius approximately, this epic journey was not of tremendous victory over your ‘will power’ but also victory of your ‘inner strength’ and perseverance and the victory of mind over body thesis, which was a tremendous joy as a human being alone, nobody to share few words with but yes with nature who is enough to show and guide your path with its untamed beauty and its own whispers through wind and downpour which is quite common in this hilly areas, the fragrance of the mountain flowers just take you to another world, a joy of immense beauty. His only companion other than himself was nature, a walking stick, a jacket and a shawl, the motto behind all of this to calculate and estimate your own ‘inner strength’, your immense ‘will power’, the never dying feeling of ‘yes, I can’ attitude, the victory belongs to all these body limits which a normal person might succumb to and will not dare to take such a daring step…

All the while a divine blanket, a divine aura enveloped his body as a shield of protection thus paving his way through all the possible hardships, he never stayed in any tent just cuddled behind a huge rock to shield the freezing cold mountain breezes and straight at a length of 3 days and 2 full nights… encircling the whole diameter of Urvashi mountain, walked beside majestic Neelkanth mountain covering approximately 70 kms and then back to Badrinath…

Throughout all this treacherous gallantry journey he could feel the divine strength in and around him and of course his inner strength along with the physical strength that he could rely on which gifts him with infinite courage, beaming ‘self esteem’ and ‘self confidence’…

May this pious soul propagate more of his positive vibes and energy to other human beings thus making this planet a much better place to live in and thrive for…