The Magic Of Soil… The Pottery…!

What beautiful the work done with the soil couldn’t be imagined or when you smudge your hands in the soil so smooth in texture and the shape it takes according to our hand movements, all the stepwise method done before crafting any utensil is very same as kneading the dough for making bread then cutting the soil with a thin piece of wire then kneading it adding little water, the texture then becomes smooth as butter then rolling them over the spinning wheel to impart the required shape by holding tiny morsel of the kneaded earthen dough, then again spinning the wheel with a stick all the made articles then kept in sun for a miniscule bit of time then they are burnt in hay fire in a structure made like a dome, after they are kept their overnight then let it cool followed by some colouring or even left out just like that for sale, the members of the GC tried out their hand in it and even learnt it over a period of few days like a short course along with it aiding the potter with whatever GC could have to suffice his living even at least for a moment or so.

The different steps from cutting, kneading, spinning, klinning process and the final layout… like from soil to soul…

But the contrast is while GC was into all of this the prominent factor that struck was the making of pottery is similar to that of making mankind the skin the other organs including the systems all but all is made out of those shapes and forms as if the earthen clay has been shaped out of it, the mind the soul all that gets carved out then with time we become strong mentally and physically due to external circumstances similarly as those pots gets secondary treatment by heat which renders them the required hardness but doesn’t it loose the natural character which it had during its formation same as when we are born, then childhood followed by adolescent phase then the middle age followed by old age the ultimate being the death thus the end of a life of that single pot which had to undergo such varied treatments although in the prior stages it was handled so delicately but in the later stage of its life it got worned-out with time and different external circumstances just as same as a human being as when we are just kids every bit is so loveable, innocent and pure but as we grow up we get external pressures and treatments that renders us strength our nature and temperament changes along with it we then judge people, characterize them, become good bad and ugly depending upon on person to person, sometimes we even break due to external conditions but otherwise we take it on our stride….. but ultimately we go back to where from we originated, ultimately in the lap of mother nature and into the soul, or may be some part of us gets sedimented in the form of delta or in some holes and crevices by the river shores or sometimes even dry up becoming a speck of dust and fly off into nothing but thin air…

to be continued…

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