Even very unnoticeable things could leave a long lasting appearance and immortal imprints in our lives, we should all notice the minute, tiny stuff also which comes on our way and could find positivity out of negativity, but being the ‘real me’ or ‘real you’ is far more elaborate than this and to implement it is little hard but the results are far more rewarding to take and implement these steps in a chronological order, I always tend to be what I am but I think it takes me sometimes into trouble zone, areas, but then who cares for those bumps here and there if I would love to live my life full throttle no matter what but being the ‘real me’ and not masking my face or the personality that I am and love to be that way, especially for this year I have made up my mind to be only self pleaser I will be what I feel like for me first of all bygone are the days when I used to think for the rectification of this whole universe, but it hardly makes any difference to others resulting in they start taking me for granted oh she will do it no matter what but from now on it’s a big full stop…

I always doubt if I will be able to cope up with my resolution so better I don’t make any, then there is not a matter of doubt at all, because it is cool and calm that I don’t make any resolutions or believe in them, people may find me outdated as I am not on ‘WhatsApp ‘or not a regular browser of net or say I m not ‘Facebookholic’ either as nor do I have time for them or neither do I have the inclination to peep in to others life or to know or comprehend by liking a photo posted by any known person but then what difference does that make to me even if you are eating a pizza or hanging out with your girlfriend or may I think ohhh that’s so big and huge to make people know if I am eating pizza or what…
to be continued…