What a dilemma stands begets here, especially in INDIAN context, on one perspective we worship the female power on the other hand female feticide is also very common here, once people know the gender of that child she is killed in the womb itself, giving her no chance of survival or to decide if she has any meek chance to stay alive, isn’t it very contrasting bipolar attitude towards mankind? Then animal or plant kingdom is much better than ours, do they ever ask a seed prior or after germination whether that plantlet is male or female, or as in animal kingdom animals eat up their younger one if it turns out to be she no its just mankind who does this brutality on their own progeny an indirect way of cannibalism, isn’t shameful on our existence, isn’t a mother is also a female if she is killing her own girl child then she must kill herself at the very first phase of this complicated chain reaction…

We have to arouse this eternal power & have to take a stance against these atrocities, to stop this mishappenings, all the sacrifice why a women has to do in mythological stories even one might find the reference of Draupadi, Sita, Parvati all have to showcase their worth for the sake of their men but why ???? Even the ‘sati system’ was also prevalent in ancient times in India but why always women & men?! Are they coward & hide behind the women power? All this mind set needs to be eradicated & yes this has been removed but just a tiny bit, but lots has to be done maintaining a parallelism that when we can worship a female deity then we should also not disrespect or kill a feminine gender oh yes this female is very much living but the deity might be living in your thought process, living by means of powers but not in the real world then what is more valuable the living or the rock engraved idol…
to be continued…