When this feeling of material acquisition subsides then naturally one will at least take a deep breath then find free out of the rat race, we earn just to satisfy our materialistic needs in return we compromise with our health leaving behind a nonliving residue of currency notes to be piled off for bonfire, burning our body, heart & soul in it then what’s left behind is nothing more than a fistful of ash, to be sublimated in nature.

The best approach is to have that much which is required that’s all not depositing for no good reason when it comes into spending part then you lack the time factor which waits for just nobody then this is the time to enjoy your life living in the present tense or living in today, taking care of our most precious asset the body, minds & soul… people get so taken up with cluttering mania unknowingly they pile up with life threatening unwanted medicines which has expired a decade ago but feel sad to throw them but what if one engulfs one or two accidentally, not to worry about the results, the refrigerators are a very cool cluttering place heaped up with food stuff that has converted themselves in to fossils or a fungus garden may be but no never we find reluctant to throw that fungal delicacy, similar thing could be even applied in case of wardrobes as well, expiry dated shampoos, & other makeup products are no exception… on the contrary where we have to be minimalistic like in consuming alcohol, smoking or any other adverse ill habit we on a regular basis aggravate it to its maximum rather than minimizing it, so it’s high time live in high spirits but with scanty stuff & yes only those which will define you & your thought process…
to be continued…