Recently MPCA celebrated its annual function with all the senior, junior and playing members along with the supporting staff to commemorate all the playing members and share a heartful thanks to all the members may it be selectors, groundsmen, women players and all the senior supporting staff and the senior members as well. The highlight of the event was:

Mr Sourav Ganguly the chief guest followed by all the dignitaries Mr Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia, Mr Sanjay Jagdale, Mr Milind Kanmadikar to name a few, the valuable words which Mr Ganguly shared with the players was beyond measure especially he imparted a shoulder to shoulder support to especially the female squad, with which GC is also closely attached with counseling, mentoring regarding body language and even diet and nutrition, to say to yourself no matter what, you should stand for yourself and say to yourself YES I CAN & WILL WIN and never to give up that winning attitude ignited inside you, even along with the men’s team GC is active, even with other associations, overall it gives an ample of boost when GC watches WITH UNBEATABLE satisfaction and arrogantly watch people who were mentored by GC’s team is moving ahead steadily & surely to catch the whole world by its stardom.

May the blessings of all be on GC and all the upcoming players of MPCA, to move ahead and conquer the world just believing we are unbeatable, thanks to all the officials major to minor ones, the marvelous supporting staff to make this event a gala affair, may it happen with more of hardwork and glamour, may it soar high in the sky making the players most of their sportsman ship spirit… & above all be a good human being…