All the favourable conditions that an ideal person should posses is but all present in Krishna… to start with the naughty, haughty childhood born under very meek measly conditions but turned out to be immortal Krishna, his entire childhood playful tricks all are pointing towards one single thing & that is to be more of physically active not a sedentary life form, our children should learn from this he was very famous among his team mates, a great nature lover found always loitering in the woods, hills or playfully swimming in the Yamuna river, climbing trees etc, his blissful tricks with his childhood sweet heart Radha & her friends lovingly called as gopi, the diet part his favourite all dairy products especially curd, butter etc, which again depicts good healthy diet for a healthy life style, the flute depicts his passion for music & also stresses on the fact that every human being should cultivate a passion first & then profession, even the peacock feather he adorns as his ornamentation also depicts his passion for wildlife & birds as it has been observed that when he played his flute deers and many other animals enjoyed the tunes with great serenity, he had an ample of respect for women, hardworking, disciplined, trustworthy, a great diplomat, a successful king & a great politician, self sacrificing good looking flamboyant and what not you name it you have it, thus in other words Krishna is a stream of life flowing in all of us it’s just that how we explore the ravishing karishma of Krishna & try to be like him even may be just a little, we can’t be so precise & great as him but let’s give it a try… start exploring, admiring & following the Krishna in you…

But the most expected thing from the unexpected is that if we churn ourselves inside out then we will also find a hidden dormant Krishna lying in us as well, it’s high time that we provide favorable conditions to that dormant lying seed called Krishna embedded deep in us, nurture it and let that seed germinate in us to form a fresh new tree called Krishna, branching it from person to person… making this planet a better place to live and thrive, that will be the best celebration that we can gift our loving god and lord called Krishna…