What you have to do to gain an ‘eureka’ moment is all up to you & in your hands to bring out that ‘eureka’ moment from deep within you and do the things that makes joy happy and a feeling of satiation comes from deep within, bring some little changes in your daily day to day mundane rut of life highlighting the small variations and venting yourself open to all the basic possibilities in life, materialistic things are hard to satisfy your inner thirst of achieving, but for that you have to take a u-turn towards nature it has the quaint essential answers to each and every queries of yours and even know how to satisfy it as well… it’s up to us how do we submerge ourselves in the ocean of shear ecstasy and happiness heaving with pure pleasure and always make it a habit, to take a pure wholesome break after every short intervals of time by meeting people from different arenas of life, by travelling into the unknown, by leaving yourself carefree in the lap of nature, play your favourite sport and be yourself and so on and so forth…

First think what you think about yourself and go for it and work towards it, it will be the true you sooner or later, think yourself to be a ray of positive energy thus infecting people with your positivity, let your body and brain coincide with nature feeling its inner core beauty, peace and eternal happiness and feel complete with yourself loving yourself…
What ‘eureka’ moment more than your life, enjoy life as it’s just a single chance to do what you want to… and say EUREKA…