The prime factor and the need of the hour is to not just save our home or nearby surroundings but rather to save and conserve the whole planet for our own better survival and for the next generation to come, its high time that we preach and practice one globe one family unit, it’s our prime duty to look into the matter rather more seriously and rather than just cleaning our own household and dumping the trash in a vacant place or to be rather precise in somebody else’s vacant plot is somewhat quite commonly noticed in India or may be besides the roads then it becomes noman’s responsibility zone, only the ‘Municipal Corporation’ or ‘Nagar Nigam’ to be blamed for, our responsibility just done, over there and when it keeps on repeating the results are quite severe the huge polythene bag gets ripped up by the stray animals in search of some left over morsel but the chain reaction takes place all the leftover debris and filth gets strewned up in the place rendering a heart wrenching view of plastic flowers and used up sanitary napkins and other disgusting stuff to name a handful.

Then these polypacks gets stuck up in the drains obstructing the smooth flow of water rendering again a man made flood or water logging which we apparently call flood but the fact is the water has no place to flow but to flow on the road thus mixing with drains water, the sewage water and what not, which results in spreading of dreadful diseases of various types which turns out to be epidemic breakdown if not taken seriously on time and could turn out to increased mortality rate of any particular area in a given span of time.
to be continued…