Go Green! [Part-8]

The Jugnu (Glow worm) is disturbed, its mating disorder has been observed, the wet lands in which the hydro planktons and fishes are confused, plenty many species of turtles and tortoises are on the verge of extinction as when their little ones hatch their inherited tendency is to move towards water but due to highly illuminated streets they move towards it(the lights on the highway) and gets killed by getting crushed under heavy vehicles which is pushing these species in to the verge of extinction…..

The unthinkable destruction of nature’s treasure (rocks) disturbing the internal geological factors (folds & faults) may give rise to drastic tremors… just stop this…

We have to think seriously all the malls which are the point of attraction for the young crowd is also disturbing the sleep patterns and the working ability of upcoming generation… The strongly illuminated malls at night attract the crowd but, spending there in the wee hours of night disturbs the sleep pattern of a person as the secretion of the melatonin hormone is disturbed, if sleepless nights we enjoy then in the long tenure it will hamper the working ability of the person, one day our body would surrender in the clutches of diseases and thus spoiling our one precious life, it’s much better rather than to be in a natural simplistic form of life style….

The tiny saplings just feeling the sunshine recently germinated from the seeds which were distributed randomly by GC’s staff…
Could anything be so immense & fulfilling than this…

The one golden rule stay in harmony with nature as it governs us directly or indirectly and we can’t dominate nature no matter how hard we try thus flow with its harmonious waves and leave yourself in those open arms of nature adhering and clutching on to it for your whole life and even after, be a part of it which is inseparable……

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