As there was two days in my hand before reporting to Jaipur for the counsel part it struck to me why can’t I ignite my wilderness and drive up the hill to Dehradun and the feeling engulfed me with infinite joy nostalgia too as my schooling and college was there I sped up via Khatauli crossing that junky overcrowded Meerut reliving those days and enjoying the greenery and the cool breezy surroundings.

Halted at Cheetal restaurant, refreshing & chirping like a sunbird. Talking & watching around the landscape the topography has changed tremendously with unwanted constructions I throttled full there by enjoying the sunset towards Roorkee the temperature fell down the Mohand Ghat creepy as usual, the honking speedy buses of Uttarakhand making place for me easily too by their ear deafening horns ultimately in Dehradun I checked few hotels and then got one which satisfied my thirst to view Mussoorie from my window that cherished my childhood memories when I enjoyed the glimpse of Mussoorie from my balcony or window or terrace whether in the gleaming sunshine or after a fresh snow fall or at night when the Mussoorie lights appeared to me as fire lamps tied together by a rope and hanging from nowhere just suspended in air backdrop of black curtain embedded with indefinite diamonds playing hide and seek interrupted when a waiter handed me fuming coffee and a black forest pastry I again got engulfed in my thought process planning for the next day’s schedule.
to be continued…