Thus to sum up with the fact nothing is perishable it just changes its phenotypic format it’s up to us how we endure it and rather than finding and misfitting every bit in a rather negative manner its much appropriate to say BE POSSITIVE and rule the world as every black cloud has a silver lining similarly there’s always some hidden positive attribute towards any negative character…….thus enjoy life to its brim as you might never know when it might just topple over and suddenly everything will come crashing down into a ‘deadly silent full stop’ so get up and enjoy and feel the breath, feel the throbbing of your beloved heart and sense the electric signals which your upper storey the so called ‘BRAIN’ is updating you with do and enjoy what you want to do not just sit and moan over the grudges and be the person what you are and unmasking your face off, feeling the fresh early morning breeze the genetically coded colours of the blooming flowers the chirping of the birdies, enjoy the sunrise the sunset the rolling waters the rustle of forest leaves there’s so much in bounty to enjoy without spending a single penny then why yell and cry for the things which were never meant to be ours and then the hard feeling of losing it even, the worlds a battle field of hearts win them with the weapons of love, compassion, and you be the gladiator just touching and feeling every bit that’s around you and undress the veil of ignorance and running after all the materialistic stuff caring for yourself as the moment we lose ourselves we lose everything and in the world love yourself and live to the fullest as every passing by moment is a loss rather irreversible loss so grab it…