Namely for instance your kitchen is a huge chemistry lab and the person who is the cook/chef or any homemaker is the governing scientist of that lab dealing with all the chemicals ranging from NACL (sodium chloride) to H2O (water) and other chemicals along with some form of energy heat, electric or otherwise making reactions to happen to give rise to a new product which hopefully might be edible otherwise a panicky disaster, similarly the soaps the detergents all compounds of alkaline groups making and forming complex molecules, the automobile section is no exception the different wings of engineering along with the byproducts obtained during fractional distillation process does the job well, the agriculture section is no exception the different smells of different food products emitted are mainly due to the release of certain strong pungent chemicals namely sulphur etc the different shades are also due to chemical pigments like xanthophylls. carotene, the quint essential pigment of the lush green leaves the chlorophyll etc to name a few, the cosmetology section is also very much predominated by the chemicals, but needless to mention the most important machine our bodies are also but complex mix of biophysics, chemistry, biology, the blood the urine and all other hormones responsible for our different bodily functions are nothing but complex chemicals the adrenalin, the serotonin, the oxytocin etc to name a few and the air that we breathe in or the life line of our lives is also but chemical that proudly announces its name as ‘O’ the lifeline oxygen without which our workshops (bodies) would be declared abandoned one in just a fraction of seconds…