The cacti pots and other seasonal flowers all were in multiple hue of shades but they had those hormonal shots which makes it look so charming but only momentarily thus GC would recommend on natural form of humors we as people who love gardening should not also go for shortcuts as there’s no sure short way to success and why playing with the genetic codes of those plants let them grow in its natural form and in harmony with nature, bonsais were also on display but GC’s personal taste is no to those dwarfs as they are also treated as per our Tastes by pruning the branches and roots every now and then aren’t we hampering the normal growth of that particular plant.

Plants from different regions were brought like the plants who l grow and thrive in colder regions how can they grow in temperate zones but then the story of bread and butter has to be continued over everything, but we shouldn’t be that selfish also as plants are very much living and they will respond to your love selflessly, sometimes plants could be even more supportive and caring and sharing far more than human beings… we can gift someone with a plant just to take a step forward to ensure that we are doing are act of saving the nature and if it’s a floral plant every time a flower blooms will remind of the good times and will even compel a person to smile…
to be continued…