Can we forget the upside down little body and face of Aylan Kurdi… a heart wrenching tragic symbol of the refugee crisis isn’t he or his motion less body reminds us every now and then how brutal we are, the Iran nuclear deal, the Greek crisis, Syria and the refugee crisis, the standoff in South China Sea, gun violence in the US, Paris attacks, crash of Russian airliner in Egypt, military drive in Yemen by Saudi coalition, these were the headliners but many more to mention which has erupted and spoiled multimillion lives due to natural calamities like the Nepal earthquake.

The civil war in Syria has given rise to the worst humanitarian crisis in the recent times we are progressing or regressing when we call ourselves techie by the touch of a button, but then where are we when approximately… Civil war killed about more than 220,000 people and UN estimates 7.6 million have been displaced now, who know their fate. Then how can we chill around in the dingy lounge of a 5 or 7 star hotel or go vacationing in some remote isolated beach why can’t we share the feelings and the currency for others for the betterment of our own progeny and our near and dear ones. As after fleeing to turkey, the refugees make a dangerous sea trip in small boats to Greece in the hope of a better future in Europe but what holds for then nobody knows.
Plummeting economy and the economic volatility will prove more deadly if we can’t share the perils and problems of others. Its high time that we be little considerate and instead of concentrating all our physical and mental energies on US presidential elections with Donald Trump and his back fires its more literal to stand for the whole world what GC does when and wherever possible just to extend its humble hand to anyone in need no matter of which caste, creed or religion just under humanitarian grounds, preach and practice in one globe one family belief, even if u people can’t do anything for these people just think give it a second thought and come out of your comfort zone and try to be in their shoes at least for once and then you will feel their suffering is not their fault but they are the helpless sufferers… feel what it would have been if our child was in place of AYLAN KURDI…