The journey or so as to say the voyage was just tremendous stopping halting, hither and thither amidst the crop fields, the jungles the tea stalls and of course the Dhabas the road side ‘eating joints’ and of course talking and sharing with the people in these places so as to understand their life styles and how they earn their lively hood in many adverse conditions and what’s their financial situation and how do they cope up with their day to day problems and how do they make their ends meet in the time of crisis and how do their families cope with these problems, trust GC, those people were of gold, real rustic people cool straight headed minds and GC conversed with them for hours and surprisingly enough their thought process coincided with GC’s team and matched the wave length regarding nature and its conservation, water depletion and how to recharge ground water through rain water harvesting, conserving the fertility of the soil through biofertilizers and crop rotation process the basic facilities provided by the local government which was almost null and void on the name of funds, the education and the hygiene part all of this GC’s team discussed and tried to rectify at least to some level and even distributed seed balls to be dispersed in barren lands, wish could stay…

to be continued…