“Being With” Not Just “Doing To”! [Part-3]

For everyone garden should be a place where blending of energies may it be physical with the metaphysical ones, the plants with the humans, and an overall awareness and an appreciation of the garden as a ‘unique and loving’ expression of a focused and cooperative nature, not just with garden this ‘Being to’ feeling should be in every single act of a person and not just ‘Doing to’ attitude.

Both of them (Parrot & Bamboo) indulged in the ‘Being to’ process imparting happiness to the viewer.
Both of them engrossed with themselves.
Great camouflaging in the ‘Being to’ process with nature.

If you have not done it yet so far come on take a step or two and you will feel and sense the difference by yourself and life will be so much more fulfilling and worth living for as GC always commences on earn your life and don’t just live it for the sake of it and don’t take it for granted either, earn the preciousness of life and be in the bosom of nature as it can enrich and provide with you every bit that one could ask for, from life.

The yellow crimsons, the pink & the purples all in one tune with nature depicting happiness and eternal contentment.

As usual GC and its workaholic team has captured different special angles from nature and GC’s garden itself to be showcased in this feature…just relish and preach and practice the saga of ‘Being to’ and not just ‘Doing to’ attitude…

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