GC and its volunteers may go a bit prosewise and poetic but the million dollar question that comes to one’s mind where is that stillness and calmness lies?!!! Is it in you or you have to buy it in this materialistic world or do you have to surf and hunt for it virtually in this techie world.

One often longs for such stillness, such a calm, such inviolable quietness and stillness in the urban hustle bustle, dreaming of such a moment or may be such precious moments be a blasphemy, so as to say. Yet the mind keeps revolving and rotating and longs for such moments, waiting for such a moment to arrive in fact and grow around it in totality adhering firmly onto it.
In a famous poem THE RECOLLECTION by PB SHELLEY talks of such calmness which he came across while wandering amidst the woods, and he then talks about the breath of peace etc thus the silence depicted such a heart warming soulful famous prose.
The woodpecker is ones often companion in such an inviolable silence or quietness of course and the bird keeps on pecking the wood making a constant TICK TOCK TICK TOCK ….SOUND, at any moment when the wood pecker is indulged in his work of pecking the wood so profusely and when he is busily hitting the rock solid stem of a tree, the afternoon often pulls a rug of quite stillness over her shoulders and bears the patience and accommodation, the little repeated tick-tock sound unbothered and undisturbed, for the afternoon only knows, with the wood peckers pecking sound the still becomes more still and captivating all the more lonely stillness but all the more darling all the more wanted and all the more longing for infinite times more…
to be continued…
Read Part 1 Here