Peeping Into The Lives of Those Who Impart Life Into Our Believes

To continue with the findings Glucose Club visited many other shilpkars (artists making idols) in their workshops and observed very closely the meticulous proceedings of their work under any circumstances come rain or shine they were working day night and day out, they showed Glucose Club every single little corner of their house where small to huge idols were kept and worked upon by grandmothers, mothers, men and even the small children were getting along with small little details leaving no stone unturned to make the idols look more realistic, as if they are ready to speak, all this was so captivating that it needs a real close and serious perspective towards these artisans.

They are doing every bit what they can earning only that much which is required for their families well being, government should pay at least some attention to this unorganized sector, and at least some marginal amount of revenue must be used on them as well , may it be their wellbeing by securing their basic health/medical facilities, education of their wards, basic aid for their food to avoid undernourished/malnourished cluster of artists and their oncoming generation who are creating such masterpieces. What is more important for them is to aid with basic facilities so as to respect them and their artistry who are giving a phenotypic expression to our religious beliefs without them where will we get our idols from as many of their progenies are drifting apart and running away to metros in search of lively hood, it’s our duty to give a helping hand to this unorganized sector.

The spaces where they are making is but so scanty, even filthy in many places and major portions of their houses are crowded with these idols as their family members this gesture( Glucose Club) relished very much their kids moving, playing & eating around them. I mean they are performing all their chores in the presence of those idols. Huge workshop spaces must be allocated to them as well with proper sunlight and ventilation is accessible that will also keep these artists from any kind of respiratory problems as well, but I think they get so engrossed with their work that they care the least for these pitfalls and even say very carelessly that we are indulged in making divine figures then where’s any kind of risk involved. I think in some way they are indeed shielded by the protective envelope of the divine deities that they mould for us.

By the sides of the roads under the make shift tents, in the houses, verandahs, rooftops, just every where you name it and you have it,they are working so hard for us a single drop of rain could spoil the entire thing but still they render their relentless labour for a few tokens .If possible government can also provide loan facilities to them on very low interest rates or no interest at all, we the upcoming society also hold responsibility for them don’t we….!!!!!???

Part 1 – Read Here

Part 2 – Read Here

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