We Are The Worst Dwellers! [Part-2]

Wherever you go there are huge mountains of ‘garbage’, it’s not just the ‘waste’ that we have created but also the humongous amounts of ‘garbage’ that we carry in our minds, that makes us work the way we do or behave in that certain manner. In India especially ‘people’ are married to their ‘mobiles’, they do every day to day chores with their ‘smart phones’, I think they don’t even spare a decimal amount of time with their kith and kin, the amount of time that they spend over their ‘smart phones’ no time for nothing at all but just eating, sleeping and the ultimate answer to the natures call, no matter where ever GC goes to undergo its action plan we have observed people are literally busy in either jabbing over phone or fidgeting with their phones or the most essential thing eating everywhere, there’s great mayhem of trash what a dilemma putting a foot in any sacred river with your shoes on is illegal of course religiously but what if those morons sit by its side drink and throw their bottles in those rivers?

There are many places where the bottles are also shattered into tiny bits covering the earth’s surface, then the demon of Styrofoam is everywhere flying over here and there and ultimately goes into the water but what a dilemma during high tide or when the water levels are at high the river itself throws back every bit on the face of humanity no matter whatever was thrown on her lap… isn’t it a real balance we could also think of ‘recycling’ those Styrofoam boxes for planting little plantlets or huge ones can be used a coffee table or corner table when decorated a bit with your own special touch of artistic skills like painting, or glue few pebbles on top or just fix few bits of rustic tiles thrown here and there as those pieces are also very stubborn as they don’t give up on anything just killing the soil beneath it…

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