The Glycaemic Index Mystery!

DIETING? What’s really dieting, you can’t stop counting on those calories, counting on calories can be illusory as it can’t be accurate or precise so counting on calories could be useless ACCORDING TO A LEADING NUTRITIONIST.

The variation in the food stuff is often unnoticed and the composition of the food stuff is not taken into account also dieting leads to nutrient deficiency thus leading to deficiency diseases leading to depression and frustration in the long way. Besides it results in 95% FAILURE RATE after 5 years people have that plummeting weight gain/loose ratio with that yoyo pattern of eating thus leading to obesity as a result obese people start to eat more and much more without being aware of its content.

The major motto in losing weight should be to count on everything including the nutrients, antioxidants all the other individual protein, fat and carbohydrate ratio along with every macro and micro nutrient to avoid any deficiency disease thus maintain a genuine balanced diet. A proper diet should educate people to eat in the right manner, the way its cooked, its individual content, mechanism of digestion the process of absorption of nutrients thus encouraging the people to eat right and better by making the right choices for example 1 gram of protein/kilogram of body weight is needed or eat a carbohydrate with low glycaemic index.

Simply a healthy diet must include 50%carbohydrate, 30% of protein and 15-20% of fats. When an individual consume food by counting on calorie you are bound to omit those oils, nuts fruits like mango, grapes, banana, rice, etc to name a few which are also a part of a balanced diet, omitting such foods in the long run and avoiding them at all could lead to deficiency diseases. The crux of the matter is that whatever one eats need to burn it as well don’t starve or binge but just eat right, pamper your taste buds and feel the difference in you when you know what you are eating is but right and your body needs it and you know to use those calories as well. So eat, drink and be merry.

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