Antioxidant – More or Less The Oxidation Fighters Of Our Building, Our Bodies!

In a perfect world everything works in harmony to create a lush, productive, beautiful and well sculpted landscaped surroundings. Precisely the same process happens to our bodies and health when there is proper chemical and physical balance, when energy is in balance and synergy abounds.

In contrast our bodies has to face hazardous loads of pollution thus impairing the functions internally and hampering the multimillion chemical reactions taking place among the cells, thus compromising our bodies with poor immune system eventually pushing us on the verge of many critical illness, this is where naturally occurring substances comes into account the ANTIOXIDANTS , forming the front line defence mechanism of our bodies to prevent our bodies from these critical illness, thus promoting us to live a healthy, happy and disease free life.

As freshly cut apple turns black, as iron turns red due to process of oxidation, which is the chemical reaction of any chemical on coming in contact with oxygen present in air, same process happens in our bodies, creating free radicals in fats, tissues and bloodstreams, the greater the level of free radicals more is the OXIDATIVE STRESS.

Oxygen is derived in our bodies from breathing and water we drink, yet normal cellular reactions creates toxic forms of oxygen like super oxide, hydroxyl and lipid peroxides, hydrogen peroxides, singlet oxygen etc are some of the free radicals, however small amounts are ok but excessive free radicals causes immense damage to our cells thus the immune system resulting in premature ageing and susceptibility to diseases.

Antioxidants in its natural and supplement form can deaccelerate the growth of these free radicals bombardment thus empowering us with a healthy mind and body.

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