To continue with the saga of different festivals and the immersion of the idols different instances appeared in front of GC (Glucose Club).

Many different idols of different colour and art form took to the procession with all the ear puncturing /deafening noise, firecrackers, blocking of traffics, etc, but the major part is enjoyment, it is cool and nice but at the cost of what we have to keep this in mind as well and the local committees need to look into this little seriously like there are plenty of senior citizens, hospitals on the way of procession route and even people with different ailments suffer due to this noise is ok but some decibel has to be fixed for that as well, otherwise things are cool and ok.
The local government dug up make shift ponds instead of the main rivers where idols were supposed to be immersed and from there all the biodegradable and non-biodegradable stuff were collected and disposed off accordingly and the soil, the silt will sediment at the bottom of the water holes there by the river getting a second chance to live a fresher life, GC’s photographers has covered the whole festivity and will open it to the world and just in case if you like the artistry and hard work pay respect to these artisans who all are in real tatters only getting that what is needed to run their two shift meals if possible please extend your helping hands to them and try to come out of the comfortable cocoons of your bedrooms and see the real zing of life and share a cup of tea with these people.

As GC is looking out for some health and education related policies for these men and provide them with whatever little GC can for their betterment.
to be continued…
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