Why Are We So Desperate To Kill Our Rivers…!

Its really breaks my heart to see and feel the dying Indian rivers or the life imparting rivers that we once worshipped and yes we still do but we also have turned those rivers in to large dumping waterways where we throw just every bit! People in India clean their houses and ‘ghar ka mandir’ and then make a huge bundle of every waste but all chemical based stuff like the ashes of incense sticks, dried oil, flowers and garlands, broken statues and other decorative items and what not…! But hello why will the rivers carry all your waste? The sewage pipes gets down loaded in the heart of rivers whom we respectfully call ‘ma’ or mother Narmada or say Ganga but what are we behaving to her in such a filthy way?

It’s written everywhere ‘no alcoholic consumption’ near the rivers, so ‘no liquor shops’ but then we can very well carry it over there and drink it by all means!!! Yes I mean it, GC and its volunteers have cleared the banks and collected innumerable bottles to be disposed off and yes we have come across all the filth that one can think off near its banks, people eat over there and even use its water and banks as their toilets although a whole lot of slogans is scribbled on the walls adorning the ‘ghats’ but do we really abide by those words? Or is it just a graffiti! People can be literally seen washing their everything from clothes to bodies, utensils and when objected by us nobody cares, then what’s the hack of spending such huge amounts on saving or in the name of saving rivers!!

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