From Illness To Wellness… That’s Yoga…! [PART-2]

But if our ancient practitioners couldn’t get us into our feet everyday to do ‘Yoga’ then how come Modi could? But hello, here I am not talking for one day but in the long run throughout year, as we should understand the fact that we are not doing Yoga to for the goodness of Modi or any other political party or to impress any of our office high command but just for ourselves, to make us feel good, to cherish our hearts, to have a stress free mind and body, and anything substantial could be achieved only when we do it on a regular basis religiously the way we eat, drink and sleep or more essential than all of this the way we do Whatsapp or Facebook, may be in India many of us did Yoga to upload the photos and to savour the ‘like’ but how futile…

Hello in India people have that mindset that we have to do whatever just at the wee hours in the morning say at about 5 am sharp but does that mean you stroll in the road as if you are going for a sleep walk or getting up that early then devouring heavy fat laden breakfast or lunch, spend the rest of the day or the afternoon in the bed? No, its not written in constitution or even if it is written you don’t have to bother as workout of any kind or Yoga can be done at any time of the day, only thing your body, soul and mind should enjoy that every bit which you are doing then only you will attain maximum or cent percent result otherwise the results could literally turn out to be adverse, the time, the place, the attire is all of least importance, major priority should be the way we are performing these acts that will guarantee the utmost result which look forward to as people always complain we do workout but results are nil but I always say or ask is it the right way that you are doing?

Any form of workout or say yoga the diet also plays a major role in here to decide the health benefits as for example after doing few Asanas we jump onto some high calorie fat sugar rich diet then who is to blame yoga or us ourselves? In the gym also its very trendy among the youth to build few triceps and biceps to get close resemblance to their ‘Bollywood heroes’, they get to consume different types of steroidal medicated drinks which have adverse affects in your body in the long run and when those artificial muscles sag they look as ugly as anything nasty but then what’s the use of such artificial thing which will not stay in the long run and of course these people also loose upon on the stamina part, they could hardly run or do marathons not all but maximum as exceptions always do exist in this natural world but Yoga done everyday could gift you with the much needed agility and flexibility that one look for on a slender shapely body and of course when one gets control over their breath they have full control over their entire body there by carrying a healthy mind over a healthy body as if conquering the whole cosmos…

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