Education or Knowledge…! [PART-5]

Now the next question is how do the labourer’s know to calculate their ‘money matters’ even a vegetable seller or a fish monger is fast enough to calculate than any calculator or computer but they are regarded as uneducated, but then how do they earn their living? Yes they very efficiently, there are plenty of students who belong to the poor class but they are super intelligent then money doesn’t define your ‘intelligence parameters’ neither the parameters of ‘money or muscle power’ can define any ‘education’!

One may buy those ‘certificates’ but on the part of real ‘knowledge or education’ it will be null and void, who ever asks those actors and actresses or politicians – ‘What’s your education profile?’ No, nobody! Does they are defined by the success of their longevity of the movie that is running successfully in the box office? Or how many years has that politicians ruled our ‘unruly crowd’ as if the politician is highly educated then it would be very hard to take the ‘wrong decisions’ of the opposition party as ‘knowledge’ will always empower a person may be it will not earn you hefty sums of money but yes it will earn a ‘long living empowerment’ which will earn you fasten to your roots…

So the choice is entirely yours ‘knowledge or education’, yes ‘education’ but not occupied through any bidding… thus educate yourself truly to ‘empower yourself’ inside out…

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