Are We Really Busy Or What??? [PART-5]

Why are we so scared to describe the feelings what we feel and be really candid about it, and supposedly even if you are head to toe busy then that turns out to be for your finances, to give you a better life style but what’s the use if your machine wears and tears in the long run to keep up a pace with your busy nature, when did it get enough time to replenish itself to regenerate, to recover then what’s the use of that race actually, ultimately it is your quality life style that matters in the long run as money can buy comforts for sure but not all comforts there will always be something or the other lacking and yes it can’t buy you mental and physical peace and harmony, if busyness does hamper your life even once then it’s a long rest no matter what?if your body does not cope up with your needs then rest of the stuff is at bay….

We must also ask ourselves the productivity of our busyness what is the end result and so on, why do you always want to be busy or are we scared that we will fall away from the rat race but then where does the rat race concludes there’s just no end to it it’s an ongoing process… hiiiii a huge high to the entire globe couldn’t drop any fresh writing due to my busy helter-skelter schedule ohhh see I am also saying the same boring topic of being busy bee and that I am sharing it with you people too but I was really getting along with no nothing stuff but a whole bulk of something regarding my counseling with cricket teams along with sports injuries and sports medicines… anyways coming back to the track it would be needless really needless to ponder upon the point of where I was just one infinite dollar question of where I was why is it soooooo essential to be busy when I meet people they don’t have time to take a deep breath or to share a smile whole heartedly so no need to mention the time for workout are people really busy in offices or more on Facebook or WhatsApp but is it really worth it or are we fooling ourselves…

to be continued…

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