What…?! Facebook or Fake Book? [Part-3]

GC (Glucose Club) always commands and advises people to talk on face to face rather than on facebook and if on facebook speak up the truth and be a true friend at least to one and stand by that friend no matter what, not just multimillion friends or just fry and end but to be a real friend in the true sense and stand as on human to human relationship as that is the most precious relationship one could probably ask for in this whole world so don’t fry and end an individual but be the real you and stand with as many as possible but please stand by that person or persons with reality no discriminations of any sort look wise, finance wise or anything else just love that person as you will love yourself concentrating more on the quality rather than on the quantity, and even its in quantity proportion maintain the quality mark as well as your friends list will also define you as its been well said that birds of same feather flock together.

Oh well are we or those techy people mad over all of this or the definition of their lives is just that spending life in one dark, single stinky shallow room of any filthy place and calling themselves to be prince or king of some particular place are they really king of their hearts but then the question is whom they are trying to fool around as it has been seen that people call themselves by many weired facebook names and even by changing the gender as well…

to be continued in next part…

Read Part 1 Here

Read Part 2 Here

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