Don’t Let Peace Into Pieces

As today is world peace day but now a day’s why just one day is assigned for everything why not everyday could be the day for whatever comes on our way the day and on a everyday basis is to live a good life that itself will downpour with all the goodness that a particular day can pour unto our lives to make it a special and bright one that has to be practiced on a daily basis if our days are enriched with all the good virtues then any day could be an extraordinary one and ultimately that shine will be reflected in our lives as well.

Again Glucose Club has its own interpretation of peace day as well, what peace mean in the real sense, is it confided to the peace talks in between countries, or the telltale peace talks between any two foreign delegates or new peace talks between developed and third world countries or treaties being signed by the political heads of any two countries.

No, nope, not at all the peace has to come from deep within, it has to start from the soul, mind and then body and that envelope of peace has to surround you as a protecting shield if that aura is shared between any two individuals that has to be made viral and it has to take over masses in its grip not just signed treaties enclosed in files and dumped in a corner of some dusty shelves never to be looked upon again but the pin point lies there the countries, the population, different human beings are all but the same forget the skin or hair colour, language or any other superficial attribute to differentiate between any two individuals which will eventually form the countries, the bottom line is the basic unit of our bodies the cells are the one single unit present in all homosapiens which in return forms different cluster of cells, giving rise to separate systems thus forming the machine called body of a human being what if we all try to inculcate that universal peace in all of us and along with hemoglobin circulate the seed of eternal peace in our systems this will eradicate all the mammoth problems when we live and let others live in peace as well if it comes from eternal depth then the question of terrorism and other malpractices will subside by itself in the long run and also the huge economy which is drained out in maintaining these odd activities will be channelized for some positive betterment as their are just innumerable mouths to be fed upon or basic medical and health aids doesn’t reach them due to lack of proper resources, so let’s make peace with our inner self firstly let that tranquility take over our minds and bodies to a different higher levels where our minds will be free to soar high and reach newer niche for the betterment of mankind.

So let’s incubate that embryo of peace with in us and then let that seed germinate and spread its branches far and near with a signature that yes we are one unit.

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