Developing Strength, Endurance And Power

Strength is the highest possible resistance that can be overcome through voluntary contraction. It may be static or dynamic e.g., weight lifters. Strength endurance is the ability to overcome resistance over a long period of time (repeatedly). E.g., gymnastics.

Power or explosive strength is the ability to overcome resistance at high speeds. E.g., throwing, bowling, jumping.

Methods for developing strength:

– Resistance calisthenic exercises using own body weight, e.g., press ups, rope climb, etc.
– External resistance, e.g., weights, partners, elastic bands, etc.

Formula for building maximum strengths:

sets:- 3-5.
Reps:- about 6-8.
Loads:- which allow no more than 6 reps.
Recovery:- 2-3 minutes between sets or 80-90% of 1RM.
Training frequency:- no muscle group should be trained more than 3 days/weeks.
Key-point:- choose no more than 2 exercises per muscle and perform the exercises with full intensity.

Formula for building strength endurance:

Sets:- 3-5.
Reps:- 18-20.
Loads:- which can be lifted 20 times or more.
Recovery: not or more than a minute or 40-60% 1 RM.
Training frequency:- not more than thrice a week.
Key-point:- ensure that all the repetitions are performed quickly.

Formula for building explosive strength:

Sets:- 3-5
Reps:- about 6.
Loads:- choose loads which can be lifted about 15 times.
Recovery:- less than 3 minutes.
Training frequency:- not more than three times per week.
Key-point:- perform all movement as rapidly and explosively as possible.


1. Teach correct techniques with higher weights.
2. Train bilaterally.
3. Exhale when you exert. Inhale thereafter.
4. Exercise through full range of motion.
5. Stretch before and after strengthening muscles to prevent doms.
6. In free weights, replicate movements of the sports.
7. Children below puberty should avoid heavy weight training.
8. Follow the principle of progressive overload. Gradually increase weight loads as repetitions decrease.
9. When lifting weights off the floor, bend the knees. Keep weights close to the body and keep back straight.

Developing Speed

Speed is high movement velocity. Speed training involves fast running for brief periods with sufficiently long recoveries.

Aim of speed training:

1. To improve stride frequency.
2. Improve running technique.
Fast running generally have more of fast twitch muscle fibres than slow twitch muscle fibres.

General hints about speed training:

1. Best trained before puberty.
2. Must be practiced when fresh.
3. Not more than 2-4 sessions per week.
4. All sprints should not be at maximum.
5. Specific for different sports.


1. High knee running- moving slowly.
2. Relays and drills.
3. Acceleration drills.
4. Running between the wickets practice.
5. Short interval sprints.
* 6-15 less duration.
* 95-100% work intensity.
* 1-2 minute recovery.
* 5- 30 repititions.
6. Ultra-short interval sprints
* 3-6 secs. duration.
* 100% work intensity.
* 30-45 secs. Recovery.
* repetitions until performance declines.
7. To improve stride frequency – downhill running, treadmill, speed ladder.
8. To improve stride length – uphill running, weighted running, resisted training ( parachute ).

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